Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Who do we serve?
A. MORE serves people diagnosed with a “Developmental Disability” (DD) and other physical, emotional or mental health disabilities. The following are types of disabilities attributable to DD: (NOTE: The people who live with DD view some terms as demeaning, so this is for definition purposes only):
Mental Retardation
Cerebral Palsy
The disability arises before the age of 18, continues or can be expected to continue indefinitely.
All the clients we serve want to be viewed as “People, first”.
The support they may need might be for employment only or for all life/community/social/recreational skills.
Q. How do our services improve the quality of life for our clients and our community?
A. This population of people was once seen as “worthless”, incapable, and a burden to their family and society. In the early 1900’s they were housed in large institutions, some were “force fed” food and some had “shock treatments” on a routine regular basis. In 1969 legislation was introduced to provide for a more humane existence for this population, thus community non-profits like MORE sprang into existence.
Consider this, how would you feel if:
You were segregated into an institution.
You were isolated from your family.
Your medical & mental health problems went untreated
You were subjected to abuse and neglect (physical, sexual, emotional).
You were over-treated with medications to control your behavior.
You were thought to be incapable of feeling pain.
You were thought not to have any mental health issues and could not benefit from treatment of these issues because your IQ was low.
You were belittled and made fun of!
Because of MORE, people with DD in our community do not suffer any of the above indignities. They live happy joyful, productive lives and are contributing to the community through employment and volunteering opportunities. Their situation today is:
Only a very small percentage need to live in institutions.
Most live with their family or independently with or without staff support.
All have access to medical and mental health services.
Dramatically fewer incidents of neglect and abuse are occurring within this population.
Most are learning how to communicate and advocate for themselves.
Many are benefiting from counseling, personal safety training, and relationship training.
Many work at community jobs and earn paychecks and are less dependent on government (taxpayer monies).
MORE’s mission is to help this population of people take their rightful place in our community as friends, neighbors or employees and productive citizens.
Q. No one in my family is developmentally disabled; how does this affect my life? Why should I become involved with MORE?
A. All of us have a disability of some type in varying degrees. Most of us are fortunate that it does not affect us in a way that it affects a person with DD.
If you have no one in your family with a developmental disability (DD) you could easily enrich your life by meeting a person with DD. Once you meet and “get-to-know” the people served at MORE you will have a “life changing” experience. It is so easy to “make a difference” in the life of a person with DD, and they never forget a kind act or the person who provided it.
Q. Is giving cash the only way I can give to MORE?
A. People may give spontaneously for causes and needs that move them on the spot. Usually that giving is from monthly income. Planned Giving is that giving that most often comes from sources other than the donor’s cash flow.
Gifts such as these tend to be larger and often are intended to meet larger needs beyond the organization’s annual budget. These gifts may be structured to provide support for a loved one during his or her lifetime, then used to benefit a charity when the support is no longer needed.
There are many possible gifts from which to choose. Here are some gift ideas –
Wills & Estates: Planned gifts are often made as part of a will or estate plan. You might specify a percentage, specific dollar amount, or the balance of your estate as a gift to M.O.R.E.
Retirement Assets: A highly tax-efficient way to make a planned gift is to donate retirement assets. The easiest way to do so is to designate M.O.R.E. as the beneficiary of one or more of your accounts, such as an IRA, 401(k), 403(b), Keogh, or other Qualified Retirement Plan. Such a gift can help avoid the heavy tax burden placed on retirement assets not withdrawn during one’s lifetime. It will also be a huge benefit to our clients through the services we provide.
Life Income Gifts allow you to receive an income as a result of making a charitable gift. Depending on the plan you choose, income can be fixed or variable and can go to you or another beneficiary. You get an immediate tax deduction based on the present value of your future gift to M.O.R.E..
Talk to your financial and legal advisors today about the best plan for your situation. Call M.O.R.E. for a list of local estate planners who can help you.
Q. What is a nonprofit organization; what does that mean?
A. MORE is a private nonprofit, 501(c) (3) which means we are a charitable organization exempt from state and federal taxes.
It also means that we can receive public or private grants or donations which can be tax deductible for donors.
A nonprofit entity has a mission that benefits the “greater good” of the community, society or the world.
Nonprofit organizations can and do make a profit, however it must be used solely for the operation of the organization and its mission.
Non-profits like MORE can serve to fill a needed service in the community that would be costly for county and city governments to provide.