Working together to make the world a better place. This is what Aktion Club members are striving to do one project at a time. Aktion Club members have united together in an effort to support an international Service Initiative.

The focus of the Aktion Club Service Initiative is disability awareness.
Kiwanis International and the Joseph Maley Foundation (JMF) co-created this program for Aktion Club. JMF has been conducting disability awareness for more than 18 years and are considered to be experts in this field.
By working together, a new program created specifically for Aktion Club was developed.
The premise of the program is:
We are all unique. We have different talents and struggles, hopes and dreams.
We all want to be accepted, to enjoy friendships, to work and to play.
Every person deserves respect and to be treated with kindness.
It is important to celebrate similarities and differences.
We must get to know someone to really understand them.

This program fulfills the missions of both Kiwanis International and Aktion Club.
Kiwanis mission: Serving the children of the world.
Aktion Club mission: Developing initiatives, leadership skills and serving the community.